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Course Instructor Talent Shine


(excluding GST & gateway fee)

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Course Overview

Understand microcontroller architecture and program embedded systems with practical projects on sensors, actuators, and protocols.

Module Name


Microcontroller - PIC16F877A

·       Introduction to Embedded Systems

·       Applications of Embedded Systems

·       Types of Embedded Systems

·       Difference between Bare-metal and OS-based embedded Systems

·       Embedded System design challenges and Constraints

·       Overview of Microcontrollers and Microprocessor

·       Understanding of Microcontroller and Processor Architectures

·       Comparison between microcontrollers and General Purpose Processors

·       Different terminologies used in Microcontroller

·       Introduction to block Diagram and its ports

·       Memory Management in Bare-metal systems

·       what is Interrupts and different interrupts available in Microcontrollers?

·       Timers usage in Microcontroller

·       Interfacing with Sensors, actuators and External devices

·       Analog to Digital Converter concept in Microcontroller

·       Introduction to communication Protocols

·       Universal Asynchronous Receiver and Transmitter

·       Inter Integrated Circuit

·       Serial Peripheral Interface

Embedded Development Tools Introduction

·       Installation of MPLAB, Hi-tech C Compiler, MPLAB

·       Demo Program

Practical Projects and Case Studies

·       Blinking LED Programs using switch and Timer

·       Implementing LCD Program to display numbers and characters

·       Design a Keypad Program and display the result in LCD

·       Implementing Pulse Width Modulation generation

·       Interfacing an analog sensor with ADC and display it in LCD

·       Generate the Interrupt Program using Timer

·       Generate an External Interrupt Program

·       Implement a 7-Segment Display

·       Implement a Stepper Motor Interfacing

·       Implement an UART Interfacing program

·       Implement an I2C Interfacing Program with RTC

Schedule of Classes

Course Curriculum

1 Subject


Course Instructor

tutor image

Talent Shine

62 Courses   •   33756 Students