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Course Instructor Talent Shine


(excluding GST & gateway fee)

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Course Overview

Explore digital design, HDL, and FPGA implementation, offering a strong foundation in Very Large Scale Integration.

Module Name


Advanced Digital Design

·       Introduction to Digital Design and Switching Algebra

·       Number Systems and Binary Codes

·       Minimization of Switching Functions

·       Combinational Circuit Design

·       Sequential Circuit Design

·       Controller Design Using FSMs & ASMs

·       Design of CPLDs (PAL, PLA, PROM)

·       Design Examples & Case Studies

Hardware Description Language (Verilog HDL)

·       Introduction to Verilog HDL & Hierarchical Modeling Concepts

·       Lexical Conventions & Data Types

·       System Tasks & Compiler Directives

·       Modules, Ports and Module Instantiation Methods

·       Combinational Logic Design and Sequential Logic Design

·       Modeling Methods.

·       Design Verification Using Test Benches

FPGA Architecture And Prototyping

·       Introduction to Programmable Logic and FPGA

·       Popular CPLD & FPGA Families

·       Architecture of Popular Xilinx and Altera FPGAS

·       FPGA Design Flow 

·       ASIC Design Flow

·       Logic Synthesis for FPGA

·       Static Timing Analysis

CMOS Base Design Concepts

·       Introduction to CMOS

·       MOS Fundamentals

·       MOSFET VI Characteristics

·       CMOS Inverter Design

·       Combinational Logic Design

·       Layouts and Stick Diagram

·       Fabrication Process

·       Sequential Logic Design

CMOS Analog VLSI Design

·       Introduction to Analog Ic Design

·       Short Channel Effects

·       Current Mirrors

·       Amplifiers

·       Feedback Circuits

·       Frequency Response of Amplifiers

·       Noise

·       Operational Amplifier Stability And Frequency Compensation

Design For Testability

·       Fault Types and Models

·       Controllability & Observability

·       Ad Hoc Testable Design Techniques

·       Built-In Self Test Techniques

Low Power VLSI Design

·       Low Power CMOS Logic Circuits: Over View of Power Consumption

·       Low-Power Design Through Voltage Scaling

·       Interconnect Design, Power Grid And Clock Design

Final Project

·       FIFO

·       Traffic Light controller

·       Elevator Controller

·       PISO/SIPO

·       Hrs:Min:Sec Watch

·       RISC Processor

Schedule of Classes

Course Curriculum

1 Subject


Course Instructor

tutor image

Talent Shine

62 Courses   •   33756 Students